Tag: vacation

Back Home

We’re here, and most of our things are put away. I am a nest maker, so it is important to me to have things in order. I do have one problem, our bikes got covered with salt and snow on the way home. Our daughters had thoughtfully shoveled, so we drove right in the garage, …

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Lazy Daze

Papa and I have vacationed to the max since we arrived here on Jekyll Island, Georgia on Monday. If you follow the link, you will see the Bluegrass Festival begins tomorrow. We’ll be there, all three days. We’re staying here on the island until Tuesday, continuing our vacation. We’ve explored the beaches, with long walks …

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The Georgia Aquarium

Sunday, Papa and I visited the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta. I hadn’t realized there was a football game at the Georgia Dome that day, but that didn’t interfere with our visit.  We had paid for our tickets and parking in advance, on-line, a move I always recommend.   This is just a short clip from our …

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No Snow

There is no snow on the beach here at Jekyll Island, Georgia. Papa and I just went for a long walk on the beach, it is about 68 and humid. My shoulders are no longer knotted up, and I feel great!