It is a little too early to post quarterly progress on my Genealogy Goals, or a little too late to post monthly progress for January and February. So, I will consider this an irregular report to myself.
I have been troubled by side trips, which makes marching straight toward a goal difficult. Some of you know what I mean, this is how it goes for me:
- Enter a marriage record for an individual
- Realize that there are probably birth and perhaps death records which will be easy to locate on-line
- Locate several new records for individual, including 4 census records, death, another marriage, photo of grave on Find-A-Grave.
- Correspond with several other researchers of the same name.
- Share information by e-mail
- End up with 20 new items to enter, for the individual, his family and so on.
So focus is an issue. A big issue.
My Goals:
DWTD (deal with the data)
Looking back, in January when I set my goals, I had 102 folders, 5474 files and 5.17 gb of data in my dumping ground/new information folder on my computer. The tally this morning is 1 folder with 827 files. How did this happen? I did do a little typing, but I also reorganized much of my data.
- A lot of the information had already been entered into my database, and the images attached. I was just so disorganized that I didn’t know that.
- To address this, I created a set of archive folders which follow the alphabet, and contain some folders for my major surnames. I put my older archived files into the file set, then I moved all the “already entered” data into that file set. Stats on my archive files: 187 folders, 5087 files, 4.796 GB. The best part is that they are organized to match my physical file system.
- Next, I created a folder called research notes. The contents are mostly spreadsheets of data I have collected, but also included are some “fishing trip” data. An example is a census record for a surname that is interesting to me due to it’s similarity to my great-grandfather’s surname. There are 198 items in that folder, and I hope to turn those into “to do” times and file them also.
- The folder of images currently attached to my database contains 2,828 flies, 1.37 gb.
I think I will give myself a “adequate” on progress here. A lot left, but much accomplished.
And my two other goals:
- Find the surname used by my Yearnd/Yournd/Ewen/Euens ancestors before their arrival in Howell, Michigan from outer space, (or Germany, or wherever they came from).
- I get a failing mark here, but I have done some investigation.
- Find my cousins, descendants of my Mother’s half brother, Donald William Hill. Donald was born 17 March 1919 in Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer County, New York to George Gardner Hill (1896-1962) and Helen Lois Palmer (1891-1966). He was first called George Gardner Hill, Jr., on the 1920 census, but later known as Donald William. Donald died 4 April 1985 in Lake Elsinore, Riverside County, California, and is buried in the National Cemetery in Riverside California. An genealogical angel and volunteer in Lake Elsinore has provided me some leads which may help me find Donald’s children.
- I admit I have done nothing on this.
Not a total wash, but not as much as I had hoped to accomplish before good weather arrives.
I am also preparing for a research trip to New York. I am going in May, and hope to find new information about my mother’s Herrington/Harrington ancestors in Washington County. I will also research her Winn line in Columbia County, visit some cousins in Hoosick Falls, and check out various locations in Massachusetts for information. It is a big trip for me, and one I have put off too long.
In the summer, I am busy with my yard and garden, and I want to visit my grandchildren, too. The next months should be challenging, but fun.
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Being a big fan of irregularity–um, this kind, you know, not the *other* kind–I had to pop right over from Facebook and read up this irregular post. First off you cracked me up with the *straight marching* issue (because of course that’s how I do it, and I suppose we are not the only two in that li’l club), and then you blew me away with that organization project. If’n I’da known you had these special skills, I’da offered to trade ya that vacuuming you were wantin’ for some computer file reorganization. No, no, don’t get excited, it’s too late now, I’ve used up my spring vacuuming allotment…
.-= TK´s last blog ..May your Wednesday be wordless, but lyrical! =-.
First, I ran on over to FB to see what showed up in the feed, and immediately understood our mutual irregularity. Second, I realize that my wandering mind puts me in good company, but I had no idea you were affected, too. Third, There is always vacuuming allotment, I’ll send some over. Fourth, if my special skills were so special, I wouldn’t have this mess to fix. Oh well.
I am so easily distracted! Like you, I start looking at one person and as long as I’m in a data base I mine it for him and then everybody else related to him that might be there. And then I see something for someone unrelated to him but related to me and I start chasing down that line and by the time I’m done I have forgotten who I started out with! I would be embarrassed to have anyone look at the state of my computer files – I think you are really getting a handle on yours! I might be inspired to do something about mine except that the sun is shining and I’m itching to spend hours outside.
The Hudson Valley should be beautiful in May!
What on earth is vacuuming?
.-= Apple´s last blog ..Mary Frances Carlisle, 19 October 1910 =-.
Papa, who actually used to design vacuum harnesses (for cars) says, “Vacuum is the absence mater.” So vacuuming is hmmm removing matter? I have been to NY only once, and then in the fall. It was pretty then, the trees looked much like my home in northern Michigan. I’m pretty excited about the trip.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! for describing a system for my computer that might actually help. My computer files are almost as unfocused and distracted as my research methods – hm, I think I’m going to start describing this as “nonlinear” rather than those more negative words.
Thanks once more,
I am flattered to think something I have written might help someone. I hope it does. I have taken so many wrong turns that I wonder if there are any “right” ones. I have figured out that what works best is what makes sense to me, so I can repeat it. I can repeat this, since I do it with paper already. Nonlinear, hmmm. Nonlinear in a vacuum, or in the absence of one? I know, boo.
What’s a vacuum? 😉