Pickin’ on Cystic Fibrosis Photos

Another fine show was held April fourth in Fremont, and all the funds raised were donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.  I looked Papa’s pictures over several times before choosing my favorite.  It’s no easy task to get a good photo of a band on stage.  A lot of things, like microphones. instruments and sometimes busy, or downright ugly backgrounds cause a lot of problems.  There can also be problems with the expressions on the faces of the band members, lighting, and other factors.  Anyway, every so often a few gem show up.

This was my favorite:

Pickin' on Cystic Fibrosis

The Lonesome Meadow Band traveled up from near Columbus, Ohio to participate.  They are improving; this is a group to watch.

And, there were many other great pictures, here is another of my favorites, Toni Erskine of Hardline Drive belts one out:

Pickin' on Cystic Fibrosis

See them all on Papa’s site.

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