Belle’s Box – 103

This entry is part 111 of 342 in the series Belle's Box

Read about this series of posts, regarding items in a box originally owned by Belle (Lamunion) Fellows Tinker here. The cast of characters is located here. And, there is an accounting of people about whom I have little information here.

Birthday Greetings
Tho’ new Friends come,
yet to the Old Im true,
A fact, I hope this card
will prove to You.


The postmark is the 15th of some month, 1912.

Mr. Charley Tinker
Manton Mi




Dear Friend
Hoping you
a happy

There is more text, which I simply can’t interpret.
The signature at the bottom is:

Hie Eunice S.

Eunice and her husband Hiram Smith were Belle’s daughter and son-in-law. Belle and Charlie didn’t marry until 1914, but the family all knew him.

Series NavigationBelle’s Box – 109Belle’s Box – 113

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