October 2008 archive

Belle’s Box – 47

This entry is part 50 of 342 in the series Belle's Box

Read about this series of posts, regarding items in a box originally owned by Belle (Lamunion) Fellows Tinker here. The cast of characters is located here. And, there is an accounting of people about whom I have little information here. “HOT AND COLD RUNNING WATER ROOMS WITH BATH” Hotel McDonald, C. F. Collins, Prop., Sandus………h. …

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A Little Done, a Good Weekend

Someone sent me an e-cookbook of “taste-alike” recipes.  So, Papa says, “Does if have Steak-n-Shake Chili”.  I look, and it does.  That was Saturday morning, and Saturday night we had it for dinner, with our apple pie.  Papa said it was the same, and he loved it.  I didn’t like it so much, but it …

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Busy, Busy, Busy

Today, S-Dad came and picked me up. We went to an orchard and drank cider and ate doughnuts (him) doughnut (me). The real reason we went was to get some apples, which we did. I’m going to make pie and have him for dinner tomorrow. Then I came home, and picked D3’s raspberries. There weren’t …

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Blog Action Day: Poverty

Blog Action Day, a chance to raise awareness of poverty, donate to charity, or just pass the word.  I wrote a rather lengthy post about poverty and my family on my genealogy blog. This post will be more short and to the point.  Understand poverty at home.  Do a little reading, you can start here. …

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Blog Action Day: Poverty

The stories are the same everywhere, but for some reason, those from the southern states seem more prominent. Flatt and Scruggs sang, “Over the Hill to the Poor House”, a lament of an old man whose wife died, and who found shelter at the poor house, when is children rejected him. An earlier poem, “Over …

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The future is important.  Dr. Evertt Lilly and the Songcatchers feature a third generation, his daughter, Ashley. Skip the talk if you like, but listen to the entire tune, please. This is Ashley’s first stage performance.


I just finished posting Papa’s pictures from our time at IBMA in Nashville. There were more than 700! I split them into several galleries, so you can look only a what you are interested in. Here’s my favorite: This cute little girl came along, pulling the bass on a cart. The stool was attached somehow, …

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We got a little something done today. I cut down the daises, and the remaining hollyhocks, and the peonies.Papa tilled my new flower bed,  He shoveled up the daises from their old home, and I planted them in the new bed. Then he tilled the old bed. I also pulled/cut/dug out weeds around a couple …

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Here We Go Again

The weekend is here, or will be in a few hours.  Papa and I have a lot to get done and a short time to do so.  Let’s see, the carrots and beets have to be dug.  I need to see if there are any more tomatoes or anything else that is good left in …

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Belle’s Box – 44

This entry is part 49 of 342 in the series Belle's Box

Read about this series of posts, regarding items in a box originally owned by Belle (Lamunion) Fellows Tinker here. The cast of characters is located here. A Christmas Card: “A Merry Christmas” Addressed to: Bell Fellows Manton Mich Postmarked: Manton, Mich Dec 20 1901 PM A Happy Exmas & a ple?in New Year to you …

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