October 2007 archive

Reorganizing My World

Something happened to me in the past year, and my live has changed more that I imagined.  GS1 left for the navy,   my mother began her more rapid decline and died, then S-in-L’s mother left us.  I look in the mirror and see the same person, but inside, i’m not the same, or I didn’t seem to …

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Did I say that today is D2’s birthday?  She arrived in a hurry, I can almost feel Papa driving, way too fast, into town to the hospital.  We made it, but not by much.

As Usual

As usual, I have plenty I could complain about, and then I saw this on Sista’s blog.  I’ve got nothing to say now, except please pray for everyone in danger.

Nice Weekend

We left Saturday morning, and drove to Fremont, Michigan.  Oh, wait, not before we went to the estate sale next door.  I didn’t think I could bear to do it, and when we were ready to leave, I didn’t think I could stand not to.  So we went.  These things remind me of a song …

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Pickin’ on CF

If you are reading this, do me a favor.  Go to this benefit show Saturday.  Papa and I will be there, you’ll know us by the camera in his hands.  Meet some new friends, see some good music, have a little fun, and support a worthy cause.  BE THERE!

Quick Thursday Post

I’ve been reading a bunch of gene blogs, reminding me to either remove the tag and make some gen posts. At least it might remind me. There is a lot of good material and wisdom out there, partake when you can. Time is catching up to me. The beautiful princess costume is complete, and the …

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Good Morning!

I’m feeling chipper today, not sure why.  Well, maybe I do know why.  I’ve managed to clean the kitchen cupboards, counter, walls, the outsides of the appliances, the windows, and mop the floor.  It looks so much better in there, I’ll never cook again.  Well, maybe I will.  Finished vacuuming the bedroom, stairs, living room, …

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Remember the cheer-leading, the endless Friday nights of football, the fun?  I had such a headache I couldn’t go to the game last week, I went to bed instead.  I’m fighting hard, but my sinus problems are horrible right now.  BUT… GS2’s team won and is eligible for the state playoffs this year!  Such a great …

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Not sure how it got to be Friday, I don’t remember anything about the previous days.  Well….maybe I do.  Monday, we arrived home about 2 p.m.  I ate, packed a couple of days clothes, and did a bunch of book work for the genealogy Society.  Then I drove to Kalamazoo to help D2.  She and …

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On the way home

FanFest at IBMA was fun this year, but we’re tired out. We’re on our way home now. We stayed for the service and gospel singing this morning, something we didn’t do last year. We enjoyed seeing the Whites. They aren’t a group we would see under normal circumstances, so it was a treat. Molly Skaggs, …

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