Today, I read a post on a mailing list that brought a bunch of stuff back, so here goes: Until last August, D2 lived on old US 131, which is also called Mackinaw Trail and 210th Avenue, just south of Ashton and about 6 miles north of Reed City, Michigan. Across the road was the …
February 2007 archive
Feb 22
Wobbly Spider
You would think, having raised three children and experienced the addition of five grandchildren to my family, I would have calmed down and could roll with the punches by now. Perhaps my perfection expectation will never take complete leave. I can stand the messy desks, some messy tabletops, and the cat or kid toys on …
Feb 20
Camper Show
Papa and I went to the camper show yesterday Saturday. Talk about up and down. We went in and out of many trailers and class C motor homes and decided we will stick with Lex for now. Lex has some drawbacks, but is already in our drive. Using him requires no payments, no hustle and …
Feb 20
A Little Warmth
It’s pretty nice out here today. I know that because at 5:30 when we got up, the temp was still 32, above freezing. I put the garbage out and didn’t freeze, even without a coat. I’m working on a little project so that will keep me off the street for a while. The news of …
Feb 19
Monday, Monday
Monday, Monday, can’t trust that day Monday, Monday, sometimes it just turns out that way -John Phillips Monday has been and is a profound topic, in my experience. When I was in school, Monday didn’t have the appeal of Thursday or Friday. Same thing at work. Sometimes I wonder why being sad on Monday is such …
Feb 18
What did I do to get me so much spam traffic overnight? I’d hardly had any, and there were twenty-three (23!) this morning.
Feb 15
Soap ends
What in the world do you do with the ends of your bars of soap? I don’t really think there is much soap in the soap. Not so long ago, if you took a bar of soap out of it’s wrapping it would dry out and harden up. I always brought them home and stored …
Feb 14
It’s a beautiful day, if you can stay inside. GS2 helped me clear the driveway, or perhaps I helped him. For reasons that are obvious once you live here, the snow drifts up in front of our doors, both the entry door and the garage doors. This makes clearing the mess up a little harder. …
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